Our Pastor

Rev. William C. Mumaw II

IMG 0591 

Rev. Mumaw earned a B.A. in Sociology with a Psychology Minor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.  Upon gradudation he worked as a company sales representative in Nevada and as an account executive in New Jersey.  Rev. Mumaw entered the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and earned his Master of Divintiy degree in May of 2003.  Upon graduation he was ordained as a PC (USA) Presbyterian Minister of the Word and Sacrament in March 2004.


Rev. Mumaw states:  "Although I had several choices of professions, I believe I was called to the Ministry.  I am excited to be a Christian and I find particular enjoyment in seeing other people become involved in their faith.  It is so rewarding to see others learn and grow.  There is no better time to be a minister."


Rev. Mumaw describes himself as a "people person," compassionate and caring.  "I want people to share with me their joys, concerns, worries, and fears.  My spiritual life, prayers, and mentors help to  guide me as I discern what Jesus Christ is calling all of us to do."

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